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About project DELTA

Health economic and implementation research

Work Package 4

The aim of WP4 as a whole is to investigate factors affecting the implementation of the novel pathway involving Cytosponge®-TFF3. Prof Morris’s team will undertake a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to analyse preferences for different pathways from patient and health professional perspectives. The objective of the DCE is to analyse the preferences of members of the public and health professionals for the Cytosponge-TFF3 test within the clinical care pathway for reflux disease. This will provide new data on what these stakeholders think about this innovation, which issues matter to them the most when considering this, and which factors they prioritise most strongly.


Prof Morris’s team will also calculate the cost-effectiveness of the novel pathway from an NHS perspective versus current practice. The objective of the economic evaluation is to undertake a cost-utility analysis and budget impact analysis of the novel Cytosponge®-TFF3 test clinical pathway versus current practice. This analysis will allow us to make preliminary judgements as to whether the novel pathway will represent good value for money compared with current practice to the NHS. In addition, it will permit us to identify the main cost drivers and important cost-effectiveness parameters of the pathway.


Dr Walter’s team will use qualitative and quantitative mixed methods approaches with patients and providers to understand the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the novel pathway.


Dr Waller’s team will also contribute to the design and interpretation of qualitative interviews with patients to be carried out by the Walter team.

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© Project DELTA

Cytosponge is a registered trademark of Medtronic

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